Motor oil is a valuable resource for any vehicle. Still, it can also be a headache when it stains your driveway or garage. You’ve most likely seen those oil stains in parking lots or even on the road. If not cleaned properly, motor oil can be dangerous for the environment and any living creature around it.


In this post, we’ll share the proper steps and amazing tips for removing motor oil stains while keeping each technique environment-friendly.


Steps To Remove A Motor Oil Spill

1) The first step is to clean the spill with a high-quality absorbent, such as ABC Absorbent. This type of organic absorbent will help prevent further spreading of the stain and trap any remaining oil in its fibers.


2) Next, apply warm water and soap over the affected area. This will help remove any excess oil that remains.


3) Finally, once the area is cleaned, rinse it thoroughly with water and let it dry completely before walking on it or parking your car over the spot again.


Some extra Safety Tips To Remove Motor Oil Properly

  • Always wear gloves when dealing with motor oil.
  • Do not use a pressure washer to clean up the spill, as this can spread the oil and cause further damage.
  • Do not pour any type of chemical cleaner on the spill, as this can harm the environment.
  • When using an absorbent material to clean up the stain, dispose of it properly so that it does not cause any harm.


Try Out 100% Organic ABC Absorbent

As you can see, cleaning a motor oil spill is not difficult if you know how to do it properly. By following these simple steps, you can safely remove the stain and protect your vehicles and the environment. 


If you need an organic absorbent to clean up a motor oil spill, be sure to check out ABC Balancing Beads’ 100% organic absorbent. Our absorbent has a pick-up ratio of 20 times more powerful compared to conventional absorbents. Find the best organic absorbents on the market and clean up any mess quickly and easily.